Sample analytics
- Best moving products
- Product profit margins
- List of best performing products in the market
- Future predictive analysis of which products to stock
- Market trends based on stocked products
- Other datasets specific to wholesale
Ability to receive online orders from retailers to replanish their supplies. This orders can be over the counter orders (walk in's), online orders or sales force app orders. The platform can be customised based on your needs and market conditions.
Get the ability to make orders to the distributor/manufacturer to replanish your inventory in order to meet market demands with ease. You can customise all these on the platform so that the system lets you know when to replenish your inventory at all times.
INVENTORYGet the ability to list all your products on the platform for greater visibility to the retailers. The retailers can view your whole product listing and order based on their needs and replenishing levels.
PAYMENTSAbility to integrate your desired payment methods and receive payments from retailers. The methods include MPESA, Bank transfers and other amazing payments methods to be added soon.
ANALYTICSMake better and smarter decisions with our robust dashboard for managing and monitoring market performance.